Verb. Pr. St. La Championita HF
aka "Grace"
1996 - 2014
Oldenburg mare

(Le Champion  - Action Battle xx)
Approved: ISR/OLNA, GOV, Westfalen, RPSI, Dutch ASA n Ac 

La Championita HF

Image © Shorthorse Studios


Grace was born on June 3, 1996. She had a little trouble arriving, as she was trying to be born with one leg over her head. However, with 9 people attending the birth, the problem was solved with a call to the vet, and she was delivered.

"Grace" has one sock on her right front. She also has a smaller version of the star and stripe of her sire, Le Champion. Grace got her sire's elegant and refined head, and a nice neck that ties into a lovely shoulder. Her topline is strong, and she has a very free shoulder. She also has large joints, good bone, and excellent feet.  


Grace has been shown in hand since she was a suckling. She attended her first Dressage Breed show at the tender young age of 2 weeks. Although very young and still not quite unfolded, she did very well and everyone loved her.

Her next show was when she was 6 weeks. She had straightened out more, and went home with two blues and the Reserve Champion Mare title.

In 1997 Grace went to just two Dressage Breed shows. At her first show in June, she placed third and fourth. Since she was born in June, her growth had not yet caught up to those who were born earlier. She and her brother placed first in Breeder's Group!

Her final show was in September, and she did very well. Grace won her Yearling Fillies class with a 72%, and went home with the title of Grand Champion Mare!

Breed Shows and Inspections

In July of 1999 Grace was the Champion Mare of her ISR/Oldenburg NA mare inspection and is, of course, a Main Mare Book mare. In the fall of 1999, she was named Reserve Champion Mare of the ISR/Oldenburg NA Midwest Mare Championships, beating out several Premium Mares who have scored up to 108 points. We were told to re-present her to try for her Premium Mare status, which we did in 2001 and she was denied it by the ISR/Oldenburg NA in 2001. Hmm....

In the fall of 2000 she was presented to the Rheinland Pfalz Saar International from Germany, for inclusion in their mare books. Despite having a huge 3 month old foal at her side and being a little skinny, she managed to score 52 bonits and earn the PREMIUM Mare title. She also scored 3 points higher than an ISR/Oldenburg PREMIUM mare who was also presented at the inspection. We found out in early winter of that year she was the highest scoring mare in North America for 2000 with RPSI.

September 18, 2000 -- Grace receives Premium Mare award from the Rheinland Pfalz Saar International! Her bonit scores are as follows:

  • 8.0 -- Type, Breed & Sex Type 
  • 7.0 -- Quality of Conformation 
  • 6.0 -- Correctness of foundations 
  • 8.0 -- Walk 
  • 7.0 -- Trot 
  • 8.0 -- Canter 
  • 8.0 -- Overall Impression & Development 
  • 52 -- Total Bonits / Premium Mare

La Championita earned FIRST PLACE with the Rheinland Pfalz Saar International for the HIGHEST SCORING MARE of the entire 2000 North American Tour!

We backed her in the winter of 1999 and then she had the remainder of her first pregnancy off. In 1999 Grace was bred to the Holsteiner Grand Prix Dressage horse, Coriander. She produced a Premium filly in 2000, Coeur de Championne HF.  

Grace has produced foals by Coriander, Freestyle, Royal Diamond, Royal Dance, Routinier, and Redwine.

Lorelei Champion HF, by Redwine out of La Championita HF

Florianne du Championne HF, by Freestyle, out of La Championita HF